
We have multiple camera platforms that fit most situations from Red, Sony down to the Hero 11Black. If you have any special requirements please reach out.

Lenses - Full Frame

These lenses cover full frame cameras like the Sony Zoom Trio and the A1. The Leica R lenses have been adapted to EF mount and work with adapters for the Komodo and the A1

Lenses - Super 35

Lenses that cover Super35 and are ideal for the Red Komodo. The Laowa lenses are in the Canon R mount to reduced the weight and size removing the need of an adapter. The Laowa Nanomorphs have interchangeable mounts and can fit on the Red Komodo, Sony A1 and the DL Mount for the Inspire 3

Lenses - Micro Four Thirds

Micro 4/3 lenses are great when you are looking for quality and to keep the payload weight to a minimum.

Other lenses and Filters

Something inspiring