Deform applies an animated noise pattern into a distortion node to emulate heat distortion effects. It does this by applying an offset to the noise and adding it into the UV channels which are used in the iDistort node.

Operation – Select whether you want to see the Final Result or to Preview Noise
Animation Speed – Adjust the speed of the animated noise
UV Offset – This will shift the U and V channels further away from each other creating more of an effect on the distortion.
Post Blur – You can blur the noise further to get a smoother distortion.
Mask – Isolate the distortion effect to a masked area
filter – Changes the filter used in the iDistort node
Noise – In this tab you can find all the values from the Noise node found inside the gizmo. Change the size of the noise inside this tab under x/ysize.
Distortion – This tab has all the values found in the iDistort node inside the gizmo. Change the amount of distortion inside this tab under UV Scale.


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