Kinemini Resources
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More info on Cineform Workflow
Download KineColor 2 LUT (BETA)
Nuke Gizmos
I will try to put up some tutorials and examples on these in the near future. Most are pretty easy to use with the exception of Muzzle which just has a lot of controls exposed for you to tweak.
Apply chromatic aberration to an image or just to specific areas like highlights or the edge of frame.
The Edge node allows you to extent or bleed the edge of your foreground without changing the alpha of your key or roto shape. It helps with edges that may be brighter or darker depending on the green screen or motionblur in that area. I recommend using the intermediate setting and using a key mix to apply it to selected areas as it can bleed close areas together.
Flicker can remove global flicker or add it to objects you are comping into a scene that has flicker or interactive lighting information. It is based off the curve tool but speeds up the process of doing it on your own and provides normalized values for use inside nodes like Optical Flares. It also add a reference frame as a baseline for the flicker calculations and ability to alter the flicker with multipliers and tint.
Heat Applies an animated noise pattern into a distortion node to emulate heat distortion effects. It does this by applying an offset to the noise and adding it into the UV channels.
Muzzle *Updated*
This node was create because often times it is hard to find a muzzle flash that looks right or is pointed in the right direction. Just input a roto shape and tweak the values to modify or animate the fire. The latest update makes animating fire or muzzle flashes easier and value have been group with spread controls making it easier to achieve results with less tweaking.
The vray basic breakout splits out common passes and merges them back together to match your beauty pass. There are external controls to help quickly adjust the intensity of certain passes while more fine controls can be done inside the node. Common tasks are setup for you with proper grade nodes set up on each pass and all channels are passed through the node for use externally.
Lens Filters
Presets for common filters used on set. You can apply or remove the filters using to send nutral plates to 3D, reapply the filters on nutral elements or use them as looks. Every filter and change is completely reversable using the Apply or Remove settings in the node.
Matrix Preloaded
This node has presets for certain matrix math. If you cant remember all numbers and math like me, now you dont have to. If there are anymore that can be added please let me know. Includes Anti alias, Sharpen, Edge detect, Emboss, Vertical sobel and Horizontal sobel