Drifting with Red Komodo and Anamorphic Lens
First clips from the BCDA Grassroots season finale @MissionRacewayPark
Shot using the Red Komodo and Laowa Nanomorph Anamorphic lens on the Siccario Cinelifter FPV drone. Shout out @LaowaByVenusOptics liking the 27mm Nanomorph, would love to test more of them.
This was from the first of 2 days testing this setup. We found with this lens you dont need to be quite so close and the angle is a touch too low but it made for some beautiful obscure shots.
Big thank you to Mission Raceway Park, BCDA and the drivers for letting us come out and have a blast filming at the track @augment3d Also shout out and big thank you to @zille071 and @t.ticklesfpv for coming out, subscribe to us to see more coming soon!
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