FPVLOG – Chicago and Detroit
Part 1
Made a stop in Chicago to hang out with the incredible @quaddaddyfpv for 420! Come along for the first day and a half in Chicago before we head to Detroit to meetup with the rest of the Maniacs and FPTV crew. Thank you so much for having me QD, it was a trip to remember my friend I cant wait to see you again. Thanks for watching and be sure to keep a look out for Part 2 before we hit the road to Detroit!
Part 2
We continue with our hero’s the incredible @quaddaddyfpv and Bannister Post as they fly some iconic spots around Chicago Illionoize, like the Abandoned Carwash and the Mr. Steele bridge. They join @waldoh414 on road trip through to meet up with the rest of the FPTV crew in Detroit at Plant 21! Thanks for the hospitality from the Detroit crew and letting us fly your spots! Big thank you to @chubbyfpv5477 for helping me find a way up to get my quad back. Thanks for watching and be sure to keep a look out for Part 3 where we continue flying bandos in Detroit!
Part 3
we meet up at the Practice spot. BUT! With Lack of sleep and planning everyone else is at the next spot! So we pack up and head to an insane Bando to meet up with the rest of the group. My control link issue persisted so I did the best I could with my gear. In hind sight I should have swapped out the receiver. But before you know it, after we tore it up and went for dinner we were off to another sick spot. This place had a Boat out in the parking lot! The Detroit Trip was Epic, thanks to everyone that came out. I hope to see every one of you again.
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